Strategic Partnerships

Strategic Partnerships


The University of Arizona is proud to build relationships with partners and provide a deeper connection to the University and the Wildcat community at large. It is our goal to promote value-added benefits for our strategic partners, while maintaining the core values of the University.

*Are you a third-party interested in partnering with the University of Arizona? Please visit our Strategic Partnerships site for more information. 

Mission and Purpose

The Office of Strategic Partnerships mission is to enrich the University of Arizona experience across its breadth of stakeholders and provide economic, social and cultural development through dynamic partnerships.

The office is unit agnostic, representing and serving the University of Arizona. We exist to partner with organizations and corporate entities through purposeful sponsorship opportunities that enhance the mission of the University.

Courtney Spector

Director, Strategic Partnerships

Courtney Spector leads the development and deployment of the Office of Strategic Partnerships, bringing campus units together to drive new revenue opportunities and advance the university’s goals. Previously, she worked for a population health management company where she oversaw all marketing, branding and sponsorship efforts across the state of Arizona. Prior to her work in population health, Courtney worked for Learfield IMG College at The University of Arizona and served as the Director, Media Partnerships for the Los Angeles Rams. 

Courtney earned a B.S. in Business Administration and Management and M.B.A. from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

Sponsorship FAQs

A sponsorship is the provision of money, goods, or services by another party to support a University of Arizona project or activity without promotion of that party or its goods or services being the principal purpose. Acknowledgment of such support may or may not be a condition of the support. Sponsorship does not imply endorsement.  University sponsorships must follow the Corporate Sponsorship Guideline as well as the acknowledgment and advertising on University of Arizona web pages policy (UR-100).

No, they  are different. Advertising means any message or other programming material which is broadcast or otherwise transmitted, published, displayed or distributed, and which promotes or markets any trade or business, or any service, facility or product. Advertising includes messages containing qualitative or comparative language (“best in town”), price information or other indications of savings or value, an endorsement, or an inducement to purchase, sell, or use any company, service, facility, or product. Advertising will have different tax implications than a qualifying sponsorship

Please reach out to the office at any time when communicating with an external third-party organization about a sponsorship opportunity with the University of Arizona. We want to be a resource and create synergies where applicable. Examples of when to contact the office are below:

  • A sponsor is interested in extending their collaboration across a greater number of campus units (“Unit” means an official University department, school, college, division, program or office).
  • You’re interested in making an inquiry to a University-wide partner. University-wide partners will be displayed on the Strategic Partnerships website for reference. 
  • You have questions regarding logo use or need review of a logo-lockup between an external sponsor and The University of Arizona.
  • Need assistance initiating a sponsorship project, ideation of the custom sponsorship package, valuation of your assets or review as you near completion.
  • To ensure that the progression of your strategic partnership doesn’t impede or infringe upon another university partnership.

Please be sure to review the university MarCom website and have an understanding of the foundational components of applying the Arizona brand. It’s best to prepare all relevant information, develop questions and determine specific areas of need that the Office of Strategic Partnerships can potentially support. If there is an existing relationship or agreement in place, please make sure this information is readily available to provide in full.

Units may continue to enter into sponsorships agreements at the unit level unless there is a University-wide designation or the category has been identified as an exclusive University-wide category. We encourage you to reach out to the Office of Strategic Partnerships regarding your sponsorship efforts, contractual agreements, and exclusivities surrounding University-wide partners. 


If you have questions or are looking for additional strategic partnership resources, please contact Courtney Spector, director of strategic partnerships.