Filming on Campus
Many companies, advertising agencies, film production companies and filmmakers request permission to use the University campus as a backdrop or location for filming.
Outside companies are permitted to shoot photos or video on campus with the right approvals and some restrictions. The number one priority in deciding whether an outside company is allowed to shoot video on our campus is the safety of our students, faculty and staff and ensuring that the business of education is not interrupted.
Request Process
1. The company requesting the use of the main or any other University campus for a video shoot should provide detailed information about the shoot, including whether or not the University of Arizona will be identified. Unless the company shooting the photos or video is part of a corporate sponsorship program with Arizona, filming cannot include any University identity – logos, signage or photos of Old Main.
2. If requesting use of a University of Arizona campus for a movie, the script must be reviewed by University Communications.
3. Fill out a Facilities Use Agreement and send along with a certificate of insurance to University Communications for review and approval, which, upon approval, will send to Risk Management for review. This agreement is required by the Arizona Board of Regents with specific guidelines for insurance, etc. If approved by both entities, the video shoot can be scheduled.
4. If the shoot involves expenses such as after-hours technical staff, additional lighting or props, the unit that is organizing the shoot has the option of charging the company a usage fee. This should be determined between the outside company and the University unit.
Ready to get started?
Download the University Facilities Use Agreement below. Fill it out completely, scan, and email Pila Martinez, Senior Director, Strategic Communications at
If you have questions about this process, please contact Pila Martinez, Senior Director, Strategic Communications.